setting this up I've been reading through others blogs and's made me think.
Kim was talking about where she was success-wise on her 2005 resolutions. I'm thinking it's March...3 months into the year...plenty of time to finish 'em resolutions. PLENTY. Now if I can just remember what they were this year. I was kinda foggy this past January.
I think one had to do with finish getting out of debt. It's been a goal...a fuckin' forever goal. Guess what end of last year I wheeled and dealed, read a book on negotiation with collectors, asked advice from Dad. (not something I like doing) and made a plan. A plan that included Dad's help. But here's the short version... of the debt the ex left me with totaling approx. $10,000 (yes he says he'll pay day). Basically I negotiated them down 50% and borrowed the rest from Dad. I paid one off jsut before the end of the year, the rest just after. The forgivin debt is for tax purposes is in 2 different years! Anyways....what dad lent me in December was forgivin as a "christmas present". Yippee'kay'yeah ! I'd feel guilty if I didnt know my sisters gotten god only knows how much form my dad. Jan/Feb he gave me more to close out the rest. I'm saying to him ok this is my payment plan for paying you back...and he says jsut pay yourself in a savings account. I felt uncomfortable...but that was way outweighted by the sense of releif...I'm out of debt!!
My car will be paid off this summer....and well it's time for another...but maybe Ill go a month or two with no official "debt " on the books??? what a thought! Wouldn't be american to be debt-free very long.
Now what were the other resolutions? Think another was to get back into school and work towards that degree. I've had no real action on this one other than checking the summer schedule..nothing is being offered that will work for me this summer. Looks like September's my next best option.
What else...make healthy choices. I've revised this from previous years. It's no longer lose X many pounds...its make healthy choices. Kinda makes it a daily decision that covers losing weight, exercising, etc.... Well its march and I think I've made a few healthy decisions..let's hope continue... hmm does using condoms count? that's healthy right? no STDs and well sex helps my mental health!
WTG you being debt free!!! What a great feeling!! Nice dad..sheesh.
Yes sex is a good mental health break-and of course use a condom....the stress the day after of not using one will completely raise your blood pressure/and give ya a panic attack.
By kimmyk, at Tuesday, March 29, 2005 4:25:00 AM
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