Online friends? I know if you're reading this you understand, but there are alot of people in my life that just don't "get it". They can't comprehend how you can develop a friendship online. The "they" I'm refering to is a group of coworkers. Some of them are just simply amazed and some jealous of the closeness/friendship I speak of when talking about my online friends.
This past week I was tellin' my lunch buddies I've FINALLY got into bloggin'. Of course, I had to explain the entire concept to them. I explained that this was not "live" but rather a posting you get to at your convenience.
I've missed my "vp" group and I'm very happy this is allowing me to get back in touch with such a wonderful errrr diverse errr interesting group of people. I wouldn't trade my relationships with any of you for anything. Weird huh? Weather or not I'm in touch, I keep ya'll in my thoughts. You provide me smiles many a gloomy day...
Yannno they talk about that unconditional aspect of friendship, and I've found it with you. Cause well, if you don't wanna talk to me it's a matter of clicking the window shut. No reason to respond otherwise.
You know who you ya!
They're just jealous cause you love us and you don't love them the same. (nana nana boo boo)
Love ya gwirly gwirl!
By kimmyk, at Sunday, April 03, 2005 7:39:00 AM
Ain't the same at all!
By Bloomer, at Sunday, April 03, 2005 2:18:00 PM
lol...I work at a very conservative company. I am a youngin'! One of them is hardup about she thinks people shouldnt have sex before marriage...I don't tell my sex stories around her! lol
By Bloomer, at Sunday, April 03, 2005 7:08:00 PM
When I hear FS5 cuss makes me tingly in my warm spots.
Reminds me of the good ole days!
By kimmyk, at Sunday, April 03, 2005 8:22:00 PM
thanks for the comment on my post. yes i understand what you are saying. they don't know because they havent' experienced it. when i first chatted way back when LOL i didn't think i'd make any friends. i just wanted to see what this chatting business was about. then i'd stay late at work til 2 or 3 in the morning (I worked until 9pm but would stay at work to chat since i didn't have a computer at home), got to know the security guards real well LOL, blew off my best friend and boyfriend on occasion, even would get calls from my friends saying that so and so was online and he HAD to speak to me so i had to run to work to get online. thank god i'm over that addiction LOL. but yea my sister doesn't understand it, and i actually find it a nicer way to meet men without having to deal with the hassles of drunkards and stalkers etc. (although i'm taking a sabbatical now LOL). she can't understand how i got close to this one guy yet have never met him (he's my male version of my girl best friend). it's weird, sounds weird, even reads weird when i look at this, but it happens and it is a good thing. social relationships have advanced right along with the technological realm. i do like everyone here, and would hope the feeling was mutual. if not, i suppose they can just close my box =)
By Ladyred, at Sunday, April 03, 2005 8:35:00 PM
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