Bloomer (JC)

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Sex talk 2: Spring & Sex

What is it about this time of year? I'm convienced we humans are just like all the other animals. Mating time is here...and they're all coming out of the wood work. Apparently, I must not of burned any bridges in the past, cause I swear everyone and anyone I've had sex with in the past is callin'. All but the ex-husband- but he knows better!

Easter weekend "the guy that got (moved) away" called. He'd be driving through town on his way home to visit parents for the holiday. Grins. He bascially wanted to know if I was open for a if I was serious with someone. Me? Well since I'd been on the outs for the past 2 previous weeks with the current "boyfriend"? I told him he was welcome to call while driving through...just don't call 20 minutes before I have to leave for work like last time. (The quisi-boyfriend is back...grins tell ya about him next time.)

I noticed on caller ID I got a call from another former, who from time to time calls...just for sex. Glad I didn't answer...I didn't wanna tell him no. Don't wanna burn that bridge for next

OK...there are guys that I dont fuck,but have done the phone thing with...that call horny too. I haven't talked to them in ages either...but like I said Sring is here. I talked to the long term phone sex guy from NJ...omg his voice. The Chicago guy from that he's single I keep inviting him to luck as of yet. And of course, (Kim you know this guy) the guy that umm "helped" me through the divorce called too this week outa the blue.

And then there are the 2 guys I've been jugglin of late...the fuck buddy & the quisi-boyfriend.


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