Bloomer (JC)

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Sex talk 1

Well I've figured out it's those hot sexy pictures that Y posts not the radio pics that get all the attention. I don't know If I'll ever compete with Firestart productions. But, well it just wouldn't be me if I didn't blab about sex from time to time. ~grins~

So what about sex do I wanna talk about now? Hmm yanno sex smells fuckin' awesome. I love the smell of sex....makes me horny. Ok hornier, by the time I'm smellin' sex I've already had sex and I'm already wound up. To be more specific I've been wound, unwound, rewound, and unwound and so on...

More sex talk to come....

Monday, March 28, 2005


setting this up I've been reading through others blogs and's made me think.

Kim was talking about where she was success-wise on her 2005 resolutions. I'm thinking it's March...3 months into the year...plenty of time to finish 'em resolutions. PLENTY. Now if I can just remember what they were this year. I was kinda foggy this past January.

I think one had to do with finish getting out of debt. It's been a goal...a fuckin' forever goal. Guess what end of last year I wheeled and dealed, read a book on negotiation with collectors, asked advice from Dad. (not something I like doing) and made a plan. A plan that included Dad's help. But here's the short version... of the debt the ex left me with totaling approx. $10,000 (yes he says he'll pay day). Basically I negotiated them down 50% and borrowed the rest from Dad. I paid one off jsut before the end of the year, the rest just after. The forgivin debt is for tax purposes is in 2 different years! Anyways....what dad lent me in December was forgivin as a "christmas present". Yippee'kay'yeah ! I'd feel guilty if I didnt know my sisters gotten god only knows how much form my dad. Jan/Feb he gave me more to close out the rest. I'm saying to him ok this is my payment plan for paying you back...and he says jsut pay yourself in a savings account. I felt uncomfortable...but that was way outweighted by the sense of releif...I'm out of debt!!

My car will be paid off this summer....and well it's time for another...but maybe Ill go a month or two with no official "debt " on the books??? what a thought! Wouldn't be american to be debt-free very long.

Now what were the other resolutions? Think another was to get back into school and work towards that degree. I've had no real action on this one other than checking the summer schedule..nothing is being offered that will work for me this summer. Looks like September's my next best option.

What else...make healthy choices. I've revised this from previous years. It's no longer lose X many pounds...its make healthy choices. Kinda makes it a daily decision that covers losing weight, exercising, etc.... Well its march and I think I've made a few healthy decisions..let's hope continue... hmm does using condoms count? that's healthy right? no STDs and well sex helps my mental health!

Movie Review....The Pacifier

I liked it! It's not necessarily my type of movie...I like suspense/mystery/ The pacifier is a definate family movie, but one that didn't put me to sleep. Amazing! Ok now for the honestity...omg Vin Diesel makes me cream my panties. I wouldn't care what he was doing...I'm gonna watch him. The down side of the movie is...I'm not seeing enough of that skin. Only one scene we see him in a towel...damn gimme some of that. O the dreams that night...yum

side note...did you notice my blog title is a link to the movie site? Hmm, now why did I do that? Because I can and Y can't...ha ha ha

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Another picture I found of Bluebonnets. Y you gotta love 'em. Posted by Hello

A picture I found of Bluebonnets in bloom. Posted by Hello

Bloomin' Bluebonnets

The bluebonnetts are here! I saw them Thursday driving down the road and today I plan to drive around the right parts of town (specific highways) and see them in mass. I love this time of year. And well I love being Texan too!

Just in case you don't know what a bluebonnet is check out the two pictures below. Bluebonnets are Texas' stateflower. They bloom for just a short period of time every spring approximately 3 weeks if we are lucky. They are tempermental, so some years you may just see a few some years you have a bumper crop. They come up wild mostly in central Texas, but thanks to the efforts of Ladybird Johnson they (and other wild flowers) have been seeded along sections of our highways.

Well hell....I'll post the pictures tonight. I got the tool downloaded now I got to figure it out and I need be in the shower and out the door in a few minutes...PICTURES TBP (to be posted)

Thursday, March 24, 2005

The memory is getting better with time

It's the big picture I tell myself. What impact am I leaving on her life? What really matters? Those I love matter most.

Its the "prints" we leave on those around us. Its not always the intentional things we do, its the sum of all our actions that make the difference.

Ok, I was driving back from Hot Springs this month with my oldest neice Maddie and her friend Kristen in the back seat. I had had it with every last attitude, spoilled rotten comment, roll of the eye. I repeated in my head "you're making memories...years from now these will be good just make it through this moment."

It's been only a week and half since our quick get away and the memories are improving. Two teenagers that Thanked me , sencerely , without prompting. Now that's impressive. My time was well spent. Very well spent. Invested you could say in their that's what matters.
Hot Springs me, a 13 yo and a 15 yo for 3 nights. We shopped, we did the girly stuff ( they got manicures, I got a bath/massage package) we went to the lake, did a picnic, went to the look out tower...etc. I survived the trip and I'm hopeful we'll all look back at the memories with fondness.

Getting ready for Easter

Just in case you don't know me very well....I must prepare for anything I do atleast do so mentally. This is not something I shout to the masses, because they might think I'm not spontaneous. Ok it's time to be honest...I'm not spontaneous. Can I be? Sure- but only if I want to be. (and if the pay off feels really good!)

With this said....I've been thinking for weeks in the back of my head what I wanted to make and take over to the family for Easter. Can you imagine this is something that pops up in my head driving down the road? What am I Betty Crocker? I've been considering what to make, before I had confirmation we were all getting together this year.

I have outsmarted my Aunt this family gathering. Ever time I call and ask my aunt "what should I bring" or "what is everyone bring" she begs me to bring the same damn thing I made last time. I made a "special" orange jello dish one year...and guess what...I'm making it for the following years. I was sick of it! I'm glad my dish is popular...but orange jello ??? (ok it's got serbert and manderan oranges also) The past few family gathers I compromised- Ill bring a "jello something". Now I've made a layer jello ring....a jello "jeweled" mold.... individual jellos ...etc. No fucking jello this time. Yes, it's fun. Yes, it jiggles. But...good gawd...I'm tired of it.

Like I said, I outsmarted my Aunt. I'm not asking what to bring. I'm just bring what I want. If we have duplicates fine with me as long as it's not jello. Just recently I was at a baby shower and someone made this wonderful fancy strawberry salad. It was appealing to the eye. It tasted good. It was sweet! I might bring a second dish, but I haven't contimplated that second dish long enough to make a decision. We can talk about my indecisivness another blog.

Here's the recipe if you need another option for your Easter Sunday celebration....

Strawberry Salad

2 heads red leaf lettuce
1 cup strawberries sliced
1 1/2 cups sliced almonds
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup butter


1 cup veg. oil
1 1/2 tsp dry mustard
1/2 cup sugar
1/3 red wine vinegar
1 Tbsp. red onion chopped

Heat oven to 350. Mix melted butter, brown sugar, and almonds together and spread thin on a cookie sheet. Cook for about 10 to 15 minutes until roasted. (It's like making a brittle you need to watch it so it does not burn). Let cool completely then break into pieces. Mix all of the dressing ingredients together and refrigerate overnight. To assemble add the sliced strawberries and coated almonds to the lettuce then right before serving pour in the dressing and mix.

Ok so how's this for a real blog topic? I'm learning!!!!

Happy Easter! Happy Spring! It's all a'blooming here...and I'm loving every minute of Spring. New Life- New Hopes- Maybe a spring time fling?? Hmm gonna work on that.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Ok I'm just learning how to do this......